Source code for rlevator.actions

from enum import Enum

[docs]class Action(Enum): """ There are 6 actions that an elevator can take: 0. Do nothing and remain at the current floor. 1. Attempt to move up a floor. This does nothing if at the elevator's maximum floor. 2. Attempt to move down a floor. This does nothing if at the elevator's minimum floor. 3. Load as many passengers will fit in the remaining elevator capacity from the current floor that are in the up queue starting from the first arrived passengers onward. 4. Load as many passengers will fit in the remaining elevator capacity from the current floor that are in the down queue starting from the first arrived passengers onward. 5. Unload any passengers that have their destination floor as the elevator's current floor. """ WAIT = 0 MOVE_UP = 1 MOVE_DOWN = 2 LOAD_UP = 3 LOAD_DOWN = 4 UNLOAD = 5
NUM_TO_ACTION = { 0: Action.WAIT, 1: Action.MOVE_UP, 2: Action.MOVE_DOWN, 3: Action.LOAD_UP, 4: Action.LOAD_DOWN, 5: Action.UNLOAD }